

50 World Solutions of Global Warming.

Mengutip dari satu milis:

Berikut adalah survey yang dilakukan Google, dengan mengundang murid dan staff pengajar segala umur di seluruh dunia, untuk memberikan solusi terbaik buat kasus pemanasan Global:
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1. Include global warming/climate change in school curricula (as part of National Science Standards), so when the students are in charge they can make educated decisions.

2. Increase availability of low-interest Energy Efficient Mortgages to support homeowners who increase the energy efficiency of their homes.

3. Put light sensors in all office and school buildings so all lights go off when the rooms are empty.

4. Require that all products contributing to global warming be marked with a specific color (e.g., chemical pesticides could be marked with a red sticker for being extremely dangerous to the environment) .

5. Use less paper; use the back of the paper to print on or write on; use recyled paper.

6. Plant more trees to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

7. Teach recycling techniques in classes and school-wide programs.

8. Make recycling mandatory in all public facilities, such as schools, parks and beaches.

9. Do public service announcements on TV featuring celebrities promoting carpooling, walking, riding bikes, using public transportation, conserving electricity and recycling.

10. Give grants and tax credits to companies that invest in alternative, sustainable, emission-free fuel technologies while ending such subsidies for fosssil fuel production.

11. The media should conduct interviews of legislators to help the public become aware of their ability and willingness to help solve the problem.

12. Replace incandescence light bulbs with fluorescence light bulbs.

13. Restrict the use of chemical fertilizer in agriculture.

14. Provide incentives and policies to encourage car makers to make more fuel efficient cars.

15. Protect wetlands and preserve more open space.

16. Provide tax incentives for regular recyclers and car poolers.

17. Use solar panels in the construction of new homes and office buildings.

18. Substitute local community transportation fleets with hybrid vehicles.

19. Require that car dealers hand out fact sheets that inform car buyers about the pollution levels of different cars.

20. Send scientists to talk about global warming in schools. They can bring hands-on activities so students feel more involved.

21. Unplug all electronics from the wall when they're not in use.

22. Have another Global Warming Student Speakout in one year - to see if any of these ideas have been implemented.

23. Raise mandatory emissions standards for cars and other vehicles sold in the US.

24. Use solar power in the day and use electricity at night when needed.

25. Give tax rebates for using solar power.

26. Congress should ratify the Kyoto Agreement.

27. Establish off-shore wind farms - saves land space and produces reliable power.

28. Levy higher taxes on companies that pollute the air.

29. Wait until you have a lot of clothes to wash before using the washing machine.

30. Provide tax incentives for companies that create Hybrid cars. That will reduce the need for oil.

31. Schools and businesses should be fined for not having recycling bins available to the people on their premises.

32. The media should tell us about what is really going on with global warming. We don't think that we have all the information we need.

33. At the end of the weather forecast, report "CO2 emissions levels today…" or comparative average temperatures (i.e., this year's temperature as it compares to the past several years).

34. Lead by example and convert 50% of government vehicles to environmentally friendly cars by the year 2020.

35. Place recycling bins throughout the city wherever there is a trash can.

36. Require companies to limit the amount of packaging an item can have and it must be recyclable.

37. Block bills that cause more damage to the environment.

38. Media could reduce advertising costs for alternative energy products to inform and increase sales in these areas.

39. Keep your tires fully inflated to improve gas mileage.

40. Replace old appliances with Energy Star appliances.

41. Promote awareness of local recycling centers.

42. Require college and high school students to take a global warming class.

43. Give tax reductions to public transportation users.

44. Protect our oceans - prevent plankton in the ocean from dying.

45. People running for elections should use email, radio and other media to campaign and stop using so many paper signs and flyers that use up our natural resources and then get left out and become pollution.

46. Reuse newspapers as wrapping paper for gifts.

47. Enforce laws about littering.

48. Use less electricity, turn off the TV, read books, walk, run, bike, surf, play tennis.

49. Business should require employees to telecommute several days a week.

50. Provide scientists appropriate resources to help them research the future of energy and the freedom to explore innovative ideas.


Gutbay Jiffest 2006!

Yup! Jiffest 2006 dah kelar :) Lumayan membuat senang. Sudah mengantongi sobekan2 tiket mulai dari Berbagi Suami-nya Nia Dinata hingga Pan's Labyrinth-nya Guillermo DelToro. Sudah cukup juga ber-antri panjang2. Cukup ngerasain rasanya kehabisan tiket dan serobotan ama orang banyak. :D Yang membekas? Yah, selain adegan berdarah, ketika pisau menancap dan merobek sang Kapten dalam Pan's Labyrinth, pastinya ada banget yang ngebekas sampe sekarang: Betapa tidak prof nya sistematika Jiffest tahun ini.

Banyak anak2 kecil yg walau didampingin ortunya masih bisa masuk ke film dewasa. Ortunya aja tuh rada gelo, tapi ya sistemnya juga gak dukung, jadi gempor dua2nya.

Banyak anak2 kecil berseragam yang ketahuan nonton rame2 film2 shorts yg cenderung vulgar dan keras. Ya cuma bisa cekikikan. Panitia cuma bisa bilang kecolongan. Gak maju maju manusia.

Antrian yang tidak beraturan.

Tampak bahwa beberapa panitia membawa segepok tiket untuk dibagi2kan entah kepada siapa. Dan ketika maju dalam antrian hanya dapat jawaban bahwa tiket hanya disediakan puluhan lembar saja.

Baiknya untuk tahun depan dibikin deh itu sesi khusus film anak. Atau buatlah peraturan yang udah ada itu jadi lebih kelihatan. Bikin jadi semacam projek percontohan. Bahwa anda selain dapet tontonan bermutu juga dapet pelayanan dan sistem yang bermutu juga.

Di luar itu semua? Jiffest menambah senang dan segar tentunya :D

Beberapa kenangan nge-Jiffest tahun ini:

Persiapan nonton solo karir: malam terakhir - Pan's Labyrinth

Suasana XXI Djakarta Th. Sebelum penuh :)

Antrian sampe duduk di depan studio 2&3 malam terakhir Jiffest - Djakarta Th.


Magic Jar, Tipi, atau Box Motor ??

Ini nih yang disindir pagi pagi ama sang penghuni baru. Hehehehehehe.

Penghuni baru.

'Mbak Iyem'.

Begitu beliau perkenalkan dirinya. Penghuni baru setelah berabad rumah kosong melompong siang bolong.

'Dari Kebumen'.

Itu asalnya, jawab beliau sembari sapu sapu. Dan sambil menutup garasi ketika motor kukeluarkan kalimat itu bertambah,

'Mas, itu yang di belakang motor kayak tipi apaan sih Mas? Gede banget..'.

Nyengir sebentar. Kujawab,

'Ooh.. ini magic jar buat nasi, hehehehe.. enggak kok, ini kotak tas buat taro helm'.

Dan begitulah perkenalan awal dengan penghuni baru di rumah yang selalu kosong melompong di siang bolong.



Kenapa ya?

Ada dua topik heboh dalam pekan terakhir. Poligami dan perselingkuhan pejabat. Dua-duanya sama heboh. Tapi sepertinya beda perlakuan publik.

Yang satu sampai ke telinga Presiden dan langsung gencar dirumuskan segepok aturan.
Yang lain hanya sampai wacana di infotainment dan media hingga akhirnya tertutupi oleh berita lain.

Skenario Tuhan seperti apa sih yang ditampilkan dari dua peristiwa itu?
Mari jernihkan kepala :)


Parno Porno.

Menurut Wikipedia, Pornography itu...

Pornography (from Greek πόρνη (porne) "prostitute" and γραφή (grafe) "writing"), more informally referred to as porn or porno, is the representation of the human body or sexual activity with the goal of sexual arousal. It is similar to, but distinct from erotica, though the two terms are often used interchangeably.

In general, "erotica" refers to portrayals of sexually arousing material that hold or aspire to artistic or historical merit, whereas "pornography" often connotes the prurient depiction of sexual acts, with little or no artistic value. The line between "erotica" and the term "pornography" (which is frequently considered a pejorative) is often highly subjective. In practice, pornography can be defined merely as erotica that is perceived as "obscene". The definition of what one considers obscene can differ among persons, cultures and eras. This leaves legal actions by those who oppose pornography open to wide interpretation

Kalo ngeliat benang merahnya, ada arousal, dan ada material. Ujung2nya ya buat kegiatan ber-fantasi ria. Satu objek kesukaan tiap manusia yang berhubungan dengan seksualitas. Fantasi seks. Itu kata Freud. Sexual instinct yang suka gak ketemu jeda-nya, dahsyat dan nempel di setiap gender.

Beragam cara buat muasin fantasi. Pergi ke Dunia Fantasi misalnya. Bahkan ada seorang kenalan yang suka berandai-andai mbok ya kalo bikin satu wahana baru di Dufan itu bikinlah yang adult only. Rumah bordil misalnya. Hehehehe. Gilak.

Fantasi makin kesini makin menjadi dengan banyak alat bantu yang makin keren. Ambillah teknologi. Bukan alat bantu seperti dildo dan teman2nya. Mulai dari mesin fotokopi, flatbed scanner sampai kamera 3.2 megapixel yg nempel jadi fitur di Handphone. Gak ketinggalan pula fasilitas bebas donlod dari internet. Itu udah jadi satu habit dari setiap yang bersentuhan dgn internet pasti pernah bersentuhan dengan dunia lampu merah itu. Entah disengaja atau tidak. Tapi mesin fotokopi dan flatbed scanner, apa hubungannya?

Hmm... suka aneh aja sih denger cerita2 orang. Terutama yang berkaitan dgn ide2 aneh yg kadang muncul kalo ketemu teknologi. Pernah nemu kok orang yang pertama tes beli scanner langsung coba scan (*maap) daerah2 selangkangannya sendiri. Atau yang suka iseng motokopi daerah2 'terlarang' dgn mesin fotokopi dan berbangga hati karenanya. Semua atas nama kesenangan melihat diri sendiri (narsis akut?). Sampai merekam kegiatan seksualnya dengan camcorder ataupun kamera hape. Semua demi pemuasan fantasi. Baik yang akhirnya jadi bahan ketawa2 sendiri atau jadi bahan ketawaan orang. Itu fantasi bukan ya? Heuehuehuheuhe.. gak nyambung gak sih?? huehuheuhe

Gue juga nulis ginian karena lagi ikutan demam adegan oknum ME dan YZ yang beredar dimana mana. Nih gue edarin lagi di sini. Dengan versi tutup mata tapinya. Hehehehe.


Polygami. Mengapa?

Kembali heboh. Berita menikahnya satu ulama kondang kita. Menuai banyak pujian dan kritik di sana sini. Poligami. Polygami. Poligini. Mari bahas sedikit :)

Diambil dari http://www.islamicdawah.mobilixnet.dk/

Who Practices Polygamy?
by Mary Ali.

Polygamy has been practiced by mankind for thousands of years. Many of the ancient Israelites were polygamous, some having hundreds of wives. King Solomon (peace be upon him) is said to have had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. David (Dawood) had ninety-nine and Jacob (Yacub, peace be upon them both) had four. Advice given by some Jewish wise men state that no man should marry more than four wives. No early society put any restrictions on the number of wives or put any conditions about how they were to be treated. Jesus was not known to have spoken against polygamy. As recently as the seventeenth century, polygamy was practiced and accepted by the Christian Church. The Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) has allowed and practiced polygamy in the United States.

Monogamy was introduced into Christianity at the time of Paul when many revisions took place in Christianity. This was done in order for the church to conform to the Greco-Roman culture where men were monogamous but owned many slaves who were free for them to use: In other words, unrestricted polygamy.

Early Christians invented ideas that women were "full of sin" and man was better off to "never marry." Since this would be the end of mankind these same people compromised and said "marry only one."

In the Western society many times when relations are strained, the husband simply deserts his wife. The he cohabits with a prostitute or other immoral woman without marriage. Actually there are three kinds of polygamy practiced in Western societies:

1. serial polygamy, that is, marriage, divorce, marriage, divorce, and so on any number of times;
2. a man married to one woman but having and supporting one or more mistresses;
3. an unmarried man having a number of mistresses.

Islam condones but discourages the first and forbids the other two.

Wars cause the number of women to greatly exceed the number of men. In a monogamous society these women, left without husbands or support, resort to prostitution, illicit relationships with married men resulting in illegitimate children with no responsibility on the part of the father, or lonely spinsterhood or widowhood.

Some Western men take the position that monogamy protects the rights of women. But are these men really concerned about the rights of women? The society has so many practices which exploit and suppress women, leading to women's liberation movements from the suffragettes of the early twentieth century to the feminists of today.

The truth of the matter is that monogamy protects men, allowing them to "play around" without responsibility. Easy birth control and easy legal abortion has opened the door of illicit sex to woman and she has been lured into the so-called sexual revolution. But she is still the one who suffers the trauma of abortion and the side effects of the birth control methods. Taking aside the plagues of venereal disease, herpes and AIDS, the male continues to enjoy himself free of worry. Men are the ones protected by monogamy while women continue to be victims of men's desires. Polygamy is very much opposed by the male dominated society because it would force men to face up to responsibility and fidelity. It would force them to take responsibility for their polygamous inclinations and would protect and provide for women and children.

Among all the polygamous societies in history there were none which limited the number of wives. All of the relationships were unrestricted. In Islam, the regulations concerning polygamy limit the number of wives a man can have while making him responsible for all of the women involved.

"Marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with them, then only one or one that your right hands possess. That will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice." (Qur'an 4:3)

This verse from the Qur'an allows a man to marry more than one woman but only if he can deal justly with them. Another verse says that a person is unable to deal justly between wives, thus giving permission but discouraging.

"You will never be able to deal justly between wives however much you desire (to do so). But (if you have more than one wife) do not turn altogether away (from one), leaving her in suspense..." (Qur'an 4:129)

While the provision for polygamy makes the social system flexible enough to deal with all kinds of conditions, it is not necessarily recommended or preferred by Islam. Taking the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is instructive. He was married to one woman, Khadijah, for twenty-five years. It was only after her death when he had reached the age of fifty that he entered into other marriages to promote friendships, create alliances or to be an example of some lesson to the community; also to show the Muslims how to treat their spouses under different conditions of life.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) was given inspiration from Allah about how to deal with multiple marriages and the difficulties encountered therein. It is not an easy matter for a man to handle two wives, two families, and two households and still be just between the two. No man of reasonable intelligence would enter into this situation without a great deal of thought and very compelling reasons.

Some people have said that the first wife must agree to the second marriage. Others have said that the couple can put it into the marriage contract that the man will not marry a second wife. First of all, neither the Qur'an nor Hadith state that the first wife need be consulted at all concerning a second marriage let alone gain her approval. Consideration and compassion on the part of the man for his first wife should prompt him to discuss the matter with her but he is not required to do so or to gain her approval. Secondly, the Qur'an has explicitly given permission for a man to marry "two or three or four." No one has the authority to make a contract forbidding something that has been granted by Allah.

The bottom line in the marriage relationship is good morality and happiness, creating a just and cohesive society where the needs of men and women are well taken care of. The present Western society, which permits free sex between consenting adults, has given rise to an abundance of irresponsible sexual relationships, an abundance of "fatherless" children, many unmarried teenage mothers; all becoming a burden on the country's welfare system. In part, such an undesirable welfare burden has given rise to bloated budget deficits which even an economically powerful country like the United States cannot accommodate. Bloated budget deficits have become a political football which is affecting the political system of the United States.

In short, we find that artificially created monogamy has become a factor in ruining the family structure, and the social, economic and political systems of the country.

It must be a prophet, and indeed it was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who directed Muslims to get married or observe patience until one gets married. 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud reported Allah's messenger as saying, "Young man, those of you who can support a wife should marry, for it keeps you from looking at strange women and preserves you from immorality; but those who cannot should devote themselves to fasting, for it is a means of suppressing sexual desire." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Islam wants people to be married and to develop a good family structure. Also Islam realizes the requirements of the society and the individual in special circumstances where polygamy can be the solution to problems. Therefore, Islam has allowed polygamy, limiting the number of wives to four, but does not require or even recommend polygamy.

In the Muslim societies of our times, polygamy is not frequently practiced despite legal permission in many countries. It appears that the American male is very polygamous, getting away with not taking responsibility for the families he should be responsible for.

Jadi? Poligami tetap menjadi suatu pilihan. Sebagaimana adanya setiap pilihan, semua memerlukan pertimbangan dan keputusan. Dan juga penghormatan atas pilihan. Itu aja.

twelve red monkeys said...

here goes:

Menurut daku, yang diperlukan oleh seorang anak bukanlah siapakah lelaki yang menyumbangkan seciprat sperma untuk membuat dirinya, tapi siapakah yang berperan sebagai sosok seorang ayah sesungguhnya dalam pertumbuhannya.

Justru dengan sistem 4 ayah 1 ibu, anak-anak diuntungkan karena lebih banyak yang melindungi mereka jika ada apa-apa. Bahkan mungkin ada baiknya jika ke-empat ayah tersebut mengatur shift kerja mereka sehingga setidaknya ada 1 ayah yang selalu berjaga di rumah setiap saat. Menjaga keluarga dari marabahaya. (Misal: Kalau ada perampok yang masuk rumah, setidaknya ada seorang lelaki dewasa yang akan melindungi ibu dan anak-anaknya)

Selain itu, 4 ayah berarti adanya 4 tulang punggung keluarga. (EMPAT saudara-saudara!! E-M-P-A-T!! bukan 1 atau 2 atau 3, tapi EMPAT sumber pemasukan keluarga!!) Jadi secara keseluruhan, kesejahteraan keluarga menjadi lebih baik.

Biaya perawatan anakpun lebih terjamin. Jika yang 1 terkena PHK, masih ada 3 lainnya yang bekerja. Tentunya yang terkena PHK itu juga akan merasa gengsi dan malu terhadap 3 suami lainnya, sehingga ia akan berusaha mendapatkan kerja secepatnya.

Kalau poligami bisa mengakibatkan persaingan di antara para istri dan anak-anaknya, poliandri mungkin bisa memberikan efek perdamaian. Sebab pada saat seorang anak tidak jelas siapa ayahnya (Pokoknya di antara 4 itu! Eh, diluar 4 itu juga bisa ding), maka para ayah akan tetap memberikan perhatian kepada si anak. Masing-masing ayah akan menganggap anak tersebut adalah anaknya. (Kalau di poligamikan, bisa ada resiko setiap anak membangga-banggakan ibunya doang dan menjelekkan ibu dari anak yang lain)

Para ayah tersebut punya teman untuk ngobrol malam-malam, teman untuk main catur, main panco (Kalau mau juga bisa buat turnamen kecil-kecilan) ataupun main kartu (Pas 4 orang! Cocok buat maen capsa, maen mahjong juga bisa). Nonton bola di rumah pun menjadi lebih semarak! Dengan sistem 4 suami pula para pria bisa belajar menekan rasa egoisnya dengan saling berbagi, bertoleransi dan bersabar. Ingat, Tuhan suka orang sabar… (Maap Tuhan, nama Anda “terpaksa” saya bawa-bawa)

Rewelnya istri pun menjadi lebih berkurang. Bayangkan jika seorang suami punya 4 istri. Maka dalam 24 jam, akan ada 4 orang istri yang berpotensi untuk mengomel dan mengeluh di kuping suami. Tapi JIKA 4 suami 1 istri, maka rata-rata kemungkinan masing-masing suami di-rese-in istri adalah maksimal 6 jam sehari. (Dengan asumsi ngawur bahwa sang istri mengomel selama 24 jam non-stop)

Sekarang mari kita tinjau dari sudut seksualitas. Sudah menjadi keluhan umum di rubrik konsultasi kalau banyak wanita gagal mencapai orgasme karena suami cepat selesai atau tidur begitu saja setelah mencapai puncak. Padahal pada umumnya, wanita itu lebih lambat panas daripada pria.
Nah… dengan adanya 4 suami, maka suami-suami tersebut bisa ber-estafet ria. Jika istri lambat panas dan blum panas-panas juga, maka jangan kuatir, masih ada rekan anda yang akan meneruskan perjuangan membawa istri menuju ke puncak kenikmatan. (Menuju puncak, gemilang cahaya, mengukir cinta, SEJUTA RASA…. Kyaaaaaaa…!! )

Poliandri secara sekilas juga sesuai dengan kodrat seks manusia. Laki-laki pada umumnya hanya dapat orgasme 1 kali lalu keabisan tenaga, sementara wanita bisa orgasme berkali-kali, bahkan organ seksualnyapun tidak usah membutuhkan persiapan terlalu banyak seperti halnya laki-laki. (Kan harus nungguin Joy-sticknya berdiri dulu…)

Jika wanita berhalangan pun (Entah apapun alasannya…), laki-laki bisa dengan mudah swalayan karena organ seksnya terbuka dan menggantung di luar tubuh. (Tidak seperti perempuan yang organnya lebih tersembunyi, jadi lebih ribet kalau mau swalayan) Akhir kata, bebek menyimpulkan (lagi-lagi) secara SEPIHAK bahwa poliandri “lebih baik” daripada poligami…

Gue lagi:

Ingat, Tuhan suka orang sabar… (Maap Tuhan, nama Anda “terpaksa” saya bawa-bawa)


Ini menarik lho sebenernya, banget :D cuma ya itu tadi, jadi agak sulit kalo bicarakan ini sebagai topik yang 'berdiri sendiri' tidak dengan dasar latar belakang sejarah maupun perihal ke-Tuhan-an yang disentil cuma sebaris di atas hehehehe

Kalo menurut komiknya Larry Gonick Jr ttg Peradaban Manusia, keliatan banget manusia itu evolutif banget sifatnya, termasuk alam dan budaya yang mendomplengnya. Kebaca juga dari alur seksualitas yang cenderung 'coba sana coba sini' dan suka 'adegan beramai ramai' seperti poliandri dan poligami.

Tapi kalo berbicara kemajuan, harusnya manusia sekarang bisa lebih maju juga dalam hal itu. Makanya muncul deh tuh aturan. Baik dari yang nulis tangan manusia sendiri sampai aturan yang dateng dari sononya. Dari Tuhan maksudnya. :) Dan sekali lagi, bukan berarti bawa2 nama Tuhan walau secuil di sini, tapi lebih ngeliat kepada kecenderungan manusia yang evolutif dan bergerak maju untuk perbaikan dirinya sendiri.

Poligami dan poliandri. Sama aja. Judulnya adalah 'memperbanyak pasangan'. Iya kan? Dalam agama yang dianut pun tidak dianjurkan, melainkan hanya diperbolehkan dengan segudang catatan. Semata diatur untuk keteraturan itu sendiri. Lagi juga itu bertentangan dengan literasi 'pasangan' > 'sepasang' > dua. ? Atau gue keliru ya? hehehe

Keteraturan kayak apa ta? Hmm, kutip lagi:
'yang diperlukan oleh seorang anak bukanlah siapakah lelaki yang menyumbangkan seciprat sperma untuk membuat dirinya, tapi siapakah yang berperan sebagai sosok seorang ayah sesungguhnya dalam pertumbuhannya'

Wah jadi ngeri sebenernya dengan pemikiran seperti ini. Gue sebagai individu aja (sebagai seorang anak) maunya yang jelas jelas aja dalam silsilah. Bapak gue sapa, Nyokap gue sapa. Gue lahir dari pasangan mana. Itu yang menurut gue berharga. Garis keturunan. Dan bukan semata peran. Pendapat lhoo :D

Bolak balik lagi buku sejarah versinya Oom Larry Gonick tadi. Gimana sih keteraturan yang tampak jelas di situ. Semua kebaca dari kesimpangsiuran asal muasal. Siapa penulis alkitab. Siapa yang menjaga kemurnian hadis. Siapa yang menjaga mitos. Dan apapun yang bikin kebudayaan manusia jadi hebat seperti sekarang.

Logika aja sih (dgn campur tangan teknologi juga bisa), setiap org sekarang kepinginnya segala sesuatu yang jelas utk konsumsi dirinya. Jatohnya jadi ke rasa kepemilikan. Kalo utk orang lain malah terbalik. Yang menggelembung malah ketidakpedulian. Tapi kalo utk dirinya sendiri. Hmm.. pasti dikejar terus tuh rasa kepenasarannya. Misal identifikasi DNA. Muncul buat apa sih itu? Identifikasi tentunya. Siapa? Pasti asal muasal dan kejelasan induk. Dan kembali lagi ke situ. Ke titik asal muasal.

Agama misalnya. Kelihatan sekali kalo agama sekarang tuh tersusun dari proses evolutif yang jadi kebiasaan era primitif. Disusun sedemikian rupa dan diatur Yang Kuasa untuk mahluk yang paling demen bikin kehancuran di bumi (*tonton The Inconvenient Truth-nya Al Gore- jadi tahu banget arti kehancuran, seram) supaya lebih teratur mengadakan ritual dan mengembangkan budayanya sendiri.

Poliandri dan Poligami? Itu juga sama diaturnya. Cari aja dimana mana pasti ada bahasannya. Tinggal pilih aja yang lebih diyakini yang mana. Naluri lelaki dan wanita? Hmm, semua juga udah tau itu. Pokonya tinggal kembali kepada pilihan. Hidup kan pilihan. Mulai dari ber-KTP aja. Ada nama, tempat tanggal lahir, agama, status dan lain2. Semua pilihan tuh nulisnya gimana. Bisa dipalsu juga. Cuma menurut gue mah yang namanya identitas beneran harus dijaga ketat. Di dunia yang serba tidak jelas seperti sekarang ini, identitas itu perlu banget. :D

Tapi ya balik lagi ke bahasan evolutif-progresif-budaya-agama-pilihan nya manusia sekarang. Gue pikir yang paling keren dari era kini adalah pilihan yang membebaskan dan tanggung jawab atas pilihannya itu. Kebebasan pendapat juga oke tapi keliatan kebablasan karena jarang bersikap netral dan tidak memihak. Kebanyakan subyektif banget jadinya, gara-gara imbas kebebasan individu tadi. Jadi silakan memilih menurut keyakinan dan jalani sekeren-kerennya. :)


Bajakan Menghilang?

Arrghhhh.... kaget! Langganan beli DVD bajakan* di Ambasador tiba2 menghilang minggu lalu... lapak dagangannya juga dah lenyap. Tergantikan dengan juicer2 buah yang laris manis sukses bikin ngiler itu. Argggghhh... sekali lagi!!! Jadi kemana gue musti berburu film lagi???

*secara gue pencinta produk bajakan yang udah kopian original, jgn bajakan yg masih 'bajakan', keliatan banget bajakannya.. hehehehehe

PS: DUH! Jangan dilindesin gitu dong... sayang euy hehehehehe

Earth TV.

Lagi kesengsem dengan satu daily program tv di Metro. Earth TV ... bisa tau keadaan dunia di luar sana. Gila, tayangan singkat yg bikin gue ketagihan dan suka berasa adem kalo ngeliat view dunia di luar sana :) Jadi pingin jalan jalan euy..

I wish ... (banget :D)

Lihat situs online-nya: http://www.earthtv.com/e/index.html


WORLD AIDS DAY. December 01.

Sedikit berpartisipasi ramaikan Hari AIDS. Ini sebagian hasil surfing hari ini :)

a brief summary of the history of condoms

From http://www.strive4impact.com
From http://www.lifestyles.com
(originally from Ansell Healthcare Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

1000 BC
Condom use can be traced back several thousand years. Images from about 1000 BC portray the ancient Egyptians wearing a linen sheath. It's up for discussion as to whether they wore it for protection or for ritual reasons.

100 – 200 AD
The earliest evidence of condom use in Europe comes from scenes in cave paintings at Combarelles in France.

In Italy, research by Gabrielle Fallopius found the linen sheath useful for prevention of infection, and later its usefulness for the prevention of pregnancy was recognized.

How did condoms get their name? Some believe it was named for "Dr. Condom," who supplied King Charles II of England with animal tissue sheaths. Others believe the name came from a "Dr. Condon" or "Colonel Cundum." It likely came from the Latin word "condom," which means "receptacle."

Goodyear and Hancock began to mass-produce condoms made out of vulcanized rubber, which is a stronger and more elastic material.

The first advertisement for condoms was published in an American newspaper when The New York Times printed an ad for "Dr. Power's French Preventatives."

The Comstock Law was passed. It prohibited the advertising of any sort of birth control, and it also allowed the postal service to confiscate condoms sold through the mail.

The first latex condom was produced, although it was to be the 1930s before these were in widespread use.

Early 1900s
Social hygienists fought to prohibit the use of condoms by Americans, resulting in U.S. troops in World War I having the highest rate of STDs — over 70%! By World War II, a more realistic attitude had emerged and the government aggressively promoted the use of condoms.

The sexual revolution of the '60s resulted in a decline in condom use as more and more youth practiced free love — without condom usage.

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, was identified, and the Surgeon General stated that other than abstinence, the most effective way to protect against HIV is to use a latex condom each and every time you have sex.

The 1990s saw the introduction of a large number of different types of condoms, including colors, ribbed, studded, flavors, baggy-shaped and large, as well as the first polyurethane condom.

PS: Sori kalo ada gambar2 yg kurang enak dipandang mata :).